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My passion and curiosity for physics and medicine guided me to the world of medical imaging, where I've focused on advancing Positron Emission Tomography (PET) to address shortcomings in current technologies and improve patient outcomes. My research spans the development of novel PET imaging systems, solid-state imaging sensors, and advanced reconstruction algorithms for clinical applications.

I am particularily proud of my role in the development and commercialization of the Radialis PET Imager, a breakthrough organ-targeted PET device that delivers best-in-class performance and is used for the detection and management of diseases ranging from breast cancer to Alzheimer's.

Beyond this, I have extensive experience in regulatory compliance (FDA, Health Canada) and in building and maintaining medical device quality management systems (ISO 13485:2016, MDSAP), ensuring that innovation exceeds the highest standards of safety and effectiveness. If you're interested in learning more about my work, please explore my publications below or reach out to me directly.