My passion for health and performance is centred around helping others overcome their athletic challenges and become more capable and resilient through training. Born out of a pursuit to resolve injuries and level-up my own performance, I formed a lifelong habit out of learning, training, and sharing knowledge with those who might benefit. Today, my coaching is centered around education: optimizing athletic performance, injury prevention and recovery, and training towards health and resilience. My creativity is expressed in the intentional and analytical approach to training, drawing on knowledge from diverse disciplines and teachers.

My athletic background is rooted in Olympic weightlifting, hockey, and martial arts. In 2015, I co-founded McMaster Barbell Club at McMaster University to foster an environment for Olympic weightlifters and powerlifters to learn and develop their skills and to grow strength sports in Ontario. In Thunder Bay, I founded Barwork to continue with the mission of sharing knowledge and promoting strength and resilience in my community.

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